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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jabberwocky (whatever that means)

Lewis Carrol   
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogroves,
and the mome raths outgrabe.
(first stanza)

 Yesterday, a friend gave us two rabbits, a buck and a doe, as a gift. We put them inside the barn in a cage. Today we put them in a fenced area, though it had some holes. About six hours later, my sister went to check on them. News reached us. One rabbit was dead. We hadn't even named it.
  Eventualy we pieced, together, enough information to theorize. One of the holes, we thought was to small for a rabbit to fit in, had a sort of hook pointing outward.  When it got out, no problem, but when it got in, the hook must have pierced the neck, so the rabbit  couldn't breath. This made sense  since we found the rabbit inside, but close to the hole.
  Storm (that's what my mom calls the rabbit now) was buried solemnly beside our first dead chick that we had buried long ago.

Monday, May 9, 2011

"To Kill A Mockingbird" (I mean a Chicken)

     We've started butchering the old broilers,the ones I said we would eat when they are 9-11 weeks old, almost every weekend since the end of April.
                                           Here are the steps from this:

  to this:


Before you kill the chicken, do not give them food for twelve hours.

  1. Catch the chicken (not as easy as it seems).
  2. Bring it to the slaughter area, preferably beside a tree.
  3. Put it inside the ''killing cone,'' a cone made out of sheet metal nailed with the narrow end down. Insert the animal headfirst. Another method is to hang the chicken by the feet from a tree.
  4. Grab the head and cut right above, or rather below if you put it right side up, a red line you see on the neck, back and forth until a stream of blood pours down. Don't cut all the way through. Reapeat on the other side
  5. Clasp by feet and dip in water 140º Fahrenheit (60º Celsius) five times
  6. PLUCK AND PLUCK AND PLUCK. Include the annoying black feather roots.
  7. When the chicken is completely, ahem, naked, chop the head off.
  8. Remove entrails through a cut you make in the rear end somewhere (my dad does this part so I have no idea where). Cut off the feet.
  9. Put in water with  a lot of ice. Later, store in freezer in a bag with the air sucked out.
  10. Eat.